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Project of Chemical Substances Registration Promotion and related Information System Improvement (2021)

  • 發布單位:環境部化學物質管理署
計畫經費 千元
專案日期2021-02-04 ~ 2021-11-30
英文關鍵字Chemical Substances Management, Administrative Support, Chemical Substances Registration Platform Website



The project period dates from 4th February to 30th November 2021. The main tasks include maintenance and optimization of the Chemical Substances Registration System, promoting the registration system and management mechanism of chemical substances, providing administrative and technical supports as well as counseling for the registrants, and sustaining the “one-stop window” for registration cross-ministerial operation. The main accomplishments of this project are accordingly described as follows:  Maintenance and optimization of the Chemical Substances Registration System: Updated version of the IT tool ChemistPecX v1.1, a whole new version of the IT tool, containing more than 1,500 self-check data fields of existing chemical registration has been constructed and released. The new chemical substance registration tool is also available for verification version, which mean to help the registrant be aware if there is any data field fail to pass the check and why it fails before submitting, reduce the time spending on supplementation or correction of careless mistakes, also improve the integrity of the registration data. The annual reporting system also completed several new functions. The operational efficiency and evaluation report of Chemical Commodity Importation Pre-Confirmation (CCIP) IT Platform was proposed.  Promoting the registration system and management mechanism of chemical substances: Collect the latest news on the management regulations and systems of advanced countries monthly, and study the trends of the international registration system, including the EU only representative (OR) system, chemical substance management methods, and national annual notification systems to discuss the chemical substance management structure in Taiwan. Propose an annual report on the implementation of the registration system. In order to enhance the efficiency of the application benefits of the registration information, consulate the way EU disclosing information of registration data, and propose the design and usage of Infocard of Taiwan in future.  Providing administrative and technical supports as well as counseling for the industries: A total of 5,329 dossiers (containing 10,943 chemical substances) have been reviewed by November 19th. Among them, the number of new chemical substances cases has increased by a total of 12% over the previous year. Also, by way of reminder strategy, the completion rate of annual report by all companies has achieved 100%. The counseling course of existing chemical substance standard registration (so called HelpDesk) were held by different ways, including collaborating with different associations. There was total 547 attendees in 34 courses handled by November 19th, including 419 companies. The number of submission files is 301, of which the joint submission is 33.  Sustaining the “one-stop window” for registration cross-ministerial operation: The new chemical substances registration dossier review collaboration as well as communication with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) went smoothly. Until November 19th, a total of 26 new chemical substance standard registration cases were reviewed completed, including 23 cases of level I and 3 cases of level II.


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  • 點閱次數:630
  • 資料發布日期:111-04-26
  • 資料更新日期:111-04-26
  • 資料檢視日期:113-05-17